Friday, January 22, 2010

Hostess With The Mostest

One of my goals in life is to be a "Hostess With the Mostest" (that's for you Love Hall Ladies) and if you know me, you know I'd be dreaming of plastic surgery if I was talking about cup size. I just want to be a great hostess. To me that means I make people feel at ease, have a welcoming home, people love to come over and I serve delicious food.

For some reason recently I started subscribing to Food Love Writing. Due to my need to keep my reader from hitting 329 unread posts it may be one I end up unsubscribing to, but it will have served me well in the mean time because of their post about when you never never apologize. In the post she says this "...I was letting my insecurity and pride at wanting someone to think I make only delicious things put my friend into the incredibly awkward situation of trying to make me feel better about food that I had made..."

I'm an apologizer and really I'm largely an apologizer because I want people to like me - insecurity and pride. It's just another one of my issues. I had never considered how apologizing about food I made puts my guest in an awkward position. So as of now I am no longer an apologizer when it comes to food I make for others. Brad helped me see this also means I can't make negative comments about my food either, like "I think it will taste better than it looks." It's one small step in my journey of becoming a Hostess with the Mostest.

What this actually means is I need to only make food I know will turn out for other people. Doing that means I have to fight another one of my issues, which is fearing I'll become stuck in a rut and only make the same five meals for the rest of my life. It's a price I'm currently willing to pay. If I ever get to feed you, and I hope I do, just don't be surprised if I feed you roast from a crock pot or banana chocolate chip muffins. I can usually get those to turn out at an unapologizing, no negative comment level.


shanna said...

Julie, I am so glad to read that you empathized with that post (it seems like a lot of people did!) - when I wrote it, I felt like I was admitting something so dark and awful about myself, but now that I've heard reactions, I see we are all in this together. It's such a natural tendency, albeit one I want very much to stop. Anyway - enjoyed reading your thoughts, and thanks for subscribing, even if for a little while, ha! :)