Just in case you were wondering, I finished the Lincoln Half Marathon in 2 hours and 14 minutes and 56 seconds! I was 1,870 out of 3,944 women, and that's just like winning to me. It was a fabulous day for running, and I have lots of thanking to do.
I would like to thank...
...Jill for giving me a free CASNR tshirt even though I didn't wear it in the race and wasn't apart of
CASNR in college. I will wear it much more than the neon shirt (see above picture) I also got for running.
...Brad, my husband, for watching the kids during all my training runs.
...my family and extended family for being there to cheer and encourage. It was so good to know you were all going to be cheering along the race and at the finish. Can't you tell my kids were thrilled with being up early to watch?
...all the other fabulous cheerleaders known and unknown along the way. The ones who yell are especially great, much better than the ones that look at you with a blank stare.
...Shauna for being great conversation for the first part of the race. (She ran the whole thing after being extremely sick less than 12 hours before the race. Quite remarkable!)
...Charles, my cousin, the most eligible bachelor in the Midwest. Honestly people, some woman is going to be spoiled like non other when he finds them. If you'd like me to help him find you, just let me know. He stuck with me for the race, or better put he made me stick with him. I think he may have a gift for motivational speaking as he pushed me to run the fastest I ever have in my life for the last half of the run. My last mile I actually ran in 9 minutes!
...Herbert, the man in the GPS watch, who gave me a reason to ask Charles how long a mile took us every time we passed a mile marker. Herbert was an excellent running partner.
...whoever had the waiter at the restaurant box up the cinnamon rolls for me since I was in no condition to be there eating them with you. Isn't that the pits? I ran 13.1 miles, burned a ton of calories and couldn't join in the celebration feast. I felt like I look in the following picture, which is similiar to how I felt at certain points when I was in labor. I don't know if I'll try to run a 9 minute mile again.
...God for giving me health , legs to run with and making my ankle a non factor. I never once thought about it during the race.
...my anniversary coming up for giving me an excuse to buy some new pants to run in which I really love (even though I'm probably not supposed to love things that don't love me back). Brad did actually buy me something else too, but I didn't know that when I bought them so it was still a valid excuse.
...one of Brad's contractors for having work for him to do in Lincoln on Monday. That made it possible for me to not have to sit in the car four and half hours the same day as the race. The day after the race I could barely walk after sitting in the car for two hours.
...the Lincoln Track Club for letting me keep my timing chip. I'm going to keep it on my shoe for a while because I'm a geek like that.
...Dad. I'm thankful he brought me a new water bottle and ran with me for one of my training runs, but I really just added him for a reason to add this picture.
Thank You All!
And now for my motivational speech. I can run a half marathon and am what you can easily call a "Non Athlete." so if you're thinking about it, you should sign up and go for it. It's a great, addicting experience!