Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Thanks to everyone for all the Congratulations in regards to the 1/2 marathon. All those Congrats makes me feel the need to let you know I don't think I'm something special just because I ran the 1/2 marathon. It was a great personal accomplishment, but around 8,000 other people accomplished it as well. I'm just one of many. I was hoping maybe my husband might think I was more athletic than I am, but I think the impression I've left on him the last eight years is going to be hard to shake.

I also wanted to show you some winners. Out of the small list of people I mentioned on this here blog, these cute sisters, Sami and Katie (my sister-in-law), beat us all. They finished in just under 2 hours, even with a pit stop. Great work ladies and I hope your up coming marathon will be a lot kinder to your toes!