Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's A Happy Mother's Day

I'm pretty sure last year on Mother's Day I was feeling entitled to being treated to a very special day with a nice present or two. I know - not a very motherly attitude. I was 38 weeks pregnant, taking care of a one year old...

Either I matured and/or I'm not pregnant, because this year I just feel completely blessed to be the mom of these two precious people.

They are truly enough of a gift all in their own, and one I do not deserve. (I guess that eliminates my excuse for paying the 1/2 marathon registration.)

I pray in 20 years they can be thankful for their mother just like I'm extremely grateful for my mother today!

I can't go without saying I am also truly thankful today for all the other caring, nurturing women in my life, whether they are officially a mom or not. To my sister, sister-in-laws, mother-in-law, aunts, grandmas and friends, thanks for showing me how to be a mother and helping me care for my kids. I hope you'll all feel blessed this Mother's Day!