Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thankful Thursday

We are a four meal a day family:

1. Breakfast
2. Lunch
3. Supper
4. Ice Cream (after the kids are in bed, of course, and lately accompanied by an episode of Seinfeld)

It's that fourth meal I am thankful for today. It started our first year of marriage eight years ago, and I'm sure it keeps us happily married. How could you sit and enjoy ice cream together if you're not getting along? It's not possible. I'm tempted to go into a lengthy discussion of how this meal has evolved over the years, but since I realize people have short attention spans on the internet I'll spare you the details.


Our family said...

Good idea. Victor and I always seem to be happier if we make a point of doing something together after the kids go to bed -- reading a book out loud, setting a timer and just sitting on the couch and talking, dessert, etc. It doesn't happen every day though.