Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving! I love this day where I got to ponder with family all the amazing blessings I've been given.

This week one of my freshman students was so excited to show me the new outfit he'd been given. Through being part of the Big Brother Big Sister program, he was given $100 to spend at Gordman's.

"Hey Mrs Robertson, Do you like my new outfit?"

I realized this student probably rarely ever gets new clothes, and that might be the least of his worries. I already knew I was pathetic, but this sure put my birthday disappointment in perspective, especially when I had a meeting with his dad later that day. The dad didn't know his own son's birthday. He probably has too many other big things in life to worry him.

I felt so humbled. How must it feel to be a parent and not be able to provide your kids with nice new clothes? Can you imagine not feeling like you had enough food for your kids to eat?

Today not only do I feel extremely grateful. I feel encouraged to give. I'm sure people in need will be more grateful than I understand when they're are blessed by people giving to them.