Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Poor 2nd Child

If you're interesting in an issue in my life that is currently causing me stress, read on.

Elliana has two picture books full from her first year of life. Wyatt has zero. I know that's typical to not have as many pictures for any child following your first, but he should at least have some pictures in a book.  Some of them are printed, but none are in a book. It makes me so sad, and it makes me feel stressed because I have no idea when I'm going to get it done. It's been on my list of things to do for well over a year, all the while I keep taking more pictures of him and the problem compounds.

It's one of those perfectionistic things that I can't start because it's going to take time to get it done right. Partly I can't get started because I don't feel like I have all the pictures printed I want in his book.  I really feel like I can't get started because I never have a time period long enough to work on it. Maybe it would be better to just make a book online but then what do I do with all the pictures I've already printed and I would still need time to do that. I need 2 consecutive snow days after a few days off. When I am ever going to get this done? When?!

This little man deserves at least one picture book. Doesn't he? Any wisdom out there for me?


Our family said...

I have ZERO pictures printed of either kid -- I did make a photo book of their first year that included lots of pictures plus all my journal entries during that time. After that I am planning to get the blog printed on a yearly basis. Hopefully,that will be enough. It is a little scary though - hopefully nothing will happen to the digital photos.