Thursday, November 11, 2010

Losing It

Blogging is amazing! I blogged about thinking I'd never find time to put Wyatt's pictures in a book, and now he has pictures from the first seven months in a book. It's a start at least.

Since blogging about that caused it to happen I thought maybe it would help if I blogged about how we seem to lose things all the time at our house. Losing something makes me feel like I must be losing my mind. It makes me feel I must be completely unorganized and scatterbrained. Then I become more scatterbrained while I think constantly about where that thing could possibly be.

I've given up on trying to find where our blue nose sucker from the hospital went even though I still often lament losing it. We were missing an 's' from a puzzle for a while, but it was miraculously found at the sitters house when they were cleaning out their toys. Sunday I couldn't find our key ring with all the key fabs then they randomly appeared on our closet floor. I really feel like we're always looking for something.

Currently I can't quit thinking about where Baby, the fifth member of our family for some time now, is hiding.
I've opened ever cupboard and drawer, checked places three times, asked the neighbors, asked people who have never seen Baby in their life, and Baby is still lost. Elliana mentioned something about hiding it on purpose, but I think she would've unhid it by now if that's the case.

I've worried that some middle school kid at the park picked Baby up and hurt her or that she was dropped in a parking lot and run over or that she's sitting in some lost and found somewhere. I suppose I could call all the places we've been in the last two weeks that might have a lost and found. I'll see how desperate I get.

We have many dolls but Baby has always been Elliana's special doll. It's impossible to make her share Baby without a major meltdown occurring. Without Baby Elliana has nothing to push in her stroller and no one to put to bed with her at night. I guess "Puppy" could take Baby's place but I see that phase ending at some point.

It just really feels sad to lose a toy that's been almost like a friend to your child for such a long time. I'm sure she's going to be completely fine, and almost is already, but if we never find Baby I think I'm going to have to go through some sort of mourning process. Maybe I already am.

Would you all help me think? Have you seen Baby in the last two weeks?


Anonymous said...

Julie--Baby will be in the last place you look! :) Ha ha!