Friday, November 19, 2010

Birthday Issue

I had some great things happen to me because of my birthday.

I got flowers!  

I got some really cute cards.

I got to go spend a whole afternoon with just my husband at that great Nebraska vs Missouri football game. I wish I had one of those at the football game couple shots, but we went camera-less that day.

I got the infamous birthday box of goodies from my mother-in-law.
I got to go out to eat with my sister and baby nephew. 

I got some great new clothes and other nice presents. 

Of course, I had an abundant amount of postings on my "wall."

Clearly, I had lots of nice things that happened because of my birthday, and I'm very thankful for all those things.

Don't let anything else I say make you think otherwise.   
I really look forward to birthdays. I love presents. I love thinking that I get a day where I'm the one that people should make feel special. My vision of a great birthday includes me only doing things I want to do for at least several days surrounding the birthday, someone cleaning my entire house for a month, eating at my favorite restaurants, and lots of fabulous presents. It's all about me, me and me. It's my day where I get to feel as special as I always want to feel.

With expectations like that, who isn't going to be disappointed? Plus I'm a mother of two little people who have no idea the day and week is about me, a husband who doesn't quite understand my birthday fever, and I'm not smart enough to take my 30th birthday off of work. Duh!

I still hate to think I need to lower my expectation because I associate that with older people who don't get excited about their birthday. I always want to be excited about my birthday, but I'm really working on getting a grip on this issue. If you would've read what I wrote last year regarding my thoughts on birthdays (I didn't post it.), then you would pat me on the back for making progress. Actually, I'm probably not because my birthday last year... I'm not going to go there.

What am I doing to get a grip?

1. Really if I would put all the nice things that happened to me because I had a birthday and pretend they all happened in one day then I would have no disappointment.
2. It did occur to me this year I need to stop figuring my self worth based on how special I feel on my actual birthday.
3. I actually prayed this year that I'd have a good attitude about my birthday. I think it helped.
4. What do I do to make other people feel extra special on their birthday? Not enough in light of how I feel about the day.  

Thanks for reading my musings, and thanks again to everyone who helped me celebrate my birthday in any way shape or form. I'm clearly needing some continued refining! Anyone else have issues with their birthday?

Oh yes - Robertson Electric is still in business, and someday I'll blog again about what he is doing. I'm pretty sure it will be more interesting than my birthday musings, so get ready.


Our family said...

I feel similar! Victor has caught onto my birthday/mother's day fever though (I probably don't need to explain how he came to understand it) so I'd have to say he does a great job and I have really felt special the last couple of years. That being said - good point about being less self focused -- maybe he is enabling me to be fairly self-centered. That isn't a great thing either!