Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm so thankful to be training for a 1/2 marathon. If you think that's strange, let me give you a little glimpse into my brain and explain why.

I have a fear of becoming fat that controls me. That's basically what it boils down to. God's made a lot of progress with me in that over the last 13 years, but it's still there. Exercising decreases my fear, but that means if I don't get to exercise what I've decided is the adequate amount for me in a week I start to feel fat, worry more about what I'm eating and get crabby.

It's actually something I have to trust God about. He actually pulls through even for a silly issue like this. Here are some examples.
  • I was concerned how I was going to fit exercise in on these recent weeks where I've had to work four days a week. One of those weeks in January the weather was gorgeous, and I was actually able to go outside and walk after work.
  • Another week in January I was too tired and was able to let it go that I didn't get my appropriate quota of workout.
  • Now this week, the weather's been bad, I've had long days; but my stomach has been way out of whack and I didn't even feel the need to workout since I couldn't hardly eat anything. I don't think it should set me back in preparing for the big day.
  • Where I would exercise in the winter was actually a big concern for me for moving out to the country away from my mall to walk in on cruddy days. Turns out God's helped me on that one too. We've had so much less snow here, and I've been able to go walk on these great snowless gravel roads a lot this winter.
Point is: We can surrender our control issues to God, and He helps!

So usually I'm feeling guilty for trying to figure out how I'm going to workout, which during the winter includes bothering Brad to help, especially when it's too cold to take the kids out and I can't bring myself to workout with a DVD.  That all changes now that I'm training for a half marathon. I don't feel guilty about trying to fit a workout in because it actually has a purpose other than just me trying not to feel fat. Brad actually says things like, "Now how much do you need to run this week?" and "If I come home at 11 for lunch will it work for you to run then?" I love hearing things like that!

On top of not having to feel guilty about trying to get my exercising done, I also get the great feeling of getting a really good workout in and I have an exercise schedule all set up for me until May. It's why I'm very thankful to be training for this run. I may not be making progress with my control issue but I sure am worrying less!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Driving Issues

(To my B-I-L Shawn, don’t read this. I’ll forever hang my head in shame around you now. I'm so sorry!) 

I guess I have issues with driving safely.  First that ticket and now…

I was driving along to go help Brad pull a little wire (a true family business I guess) feeling all happy and hopeful about life. I brought the camera along because I thought maybe I would get to go watch a calf be born if helping Brad went quickly. Well, we got to take pictures of this instead.

Instead of turning, the snowy gravel driveway only would let me go straight right into that ditch.

 Kids start crying. I figure it's not going to do any good to sit there, so I try to drive out,
 and get stuck here. Not my brightest moment since I could've driven straight the field and avoided having to get pulled out. I forgot to take a deep breath and think. 
We are very fond of this car. 
I feel like I have hurt a good family friend. It yet remains to be seen if we get to keep her in the family or not.

Talk about being mad. I’m such a penny pincher. I registered for the half marathon and told Brad it could be my Mother’s Day present because I feel bad spending that much money. It’s not that I’m worried we won’t have food to eat or that we won’t be able to clothe our children. I’m just tight. It’s yet another one of my issues. Then I go and drive the car into a ditch. Ahhhh!! All I can figure is that God wants me to keep trusting Him. Remember the Christopher Columbus post?

I am thankful that other than Elliana biting her tongue and me having a slight headache today that we are safe and that we didn't flip and all that, but I'm still torqued about the big expense I just incurred. If I can just say AHHHH! One more time. The happy, hopeful feeling about life is going to take a few days to return, I didn't get to help Brad, I didn’t get to see a calf born, and I feel like it’s too expensive for me to drive anymore. I need a permanent chauffer.

Are you wondering why I'm telling you this? I did ponder not telling you all this because doing something like this makes me feel like a complete idiot. However, I figure if I’m going to keep it real I have to show you how I operate at my worst. If you're a regular reader of blogs, I figure it should spice up your blog reading life too. I certainly doesn't have anything to do with cooking, raising children, or saving money. Drive safely folks.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Facebook Issue

Does anyone else have a husband who refuses to get a facebook account but likes to look over their shoulder when they're "facebooking" and uses their facebook to send people messages? That would be our situation. My dad even has an account but Brad (and my sister) are still holding out. I suppose I can't blame him for not wanting an account since he's only seen me wasting my time on facebook repeatedly when I should've been doing something else much more productive.

I refuse to become JulieandBrad becasue what if some long lost friend of mine was looking for me and couldn't find me because my name was JulieandBrad instead of just Julie? Also wouldn't people feel like they were talking to both of us if they wanted to put something on my wall, when really it would just be me most of the time? 

Well, I've come up with a slight solution to this issue. I created a Robertson Electric Page. I figure maybe it can be like his account plus maybe it can help promote the fine business he's starting at the same time. In my mind fans of Robertson Electric are the same as friends of Brad Robertson, so  become a fan if you like. I'd consider any fan of Robertson Electric a "Bright Person." 

Now if I could just become a little brighter and figure out how to write on someone's wall from the Robertson Electric page. Any ideas?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I suppose I have to be thankful for law enforcement this Thursday. The town I work in has stop signs on every 3rd intersection with no rhyme or reason to it. So when I'm driving between schools I just slowly go through all intersections. I figure I get better gas mileage that way. Well, today a law enforcement officer didn't like how I slowly went through a T intersection that had a stop sign. I was even on the stem part of the T. I'm sure I at least slowed down for it because I turned but no complete stop occurred. He thought it was worthy of a ticket that seems like it'll cost me a whole day wage. Good thing I'm working some extra days.

I must have not had enough faith when I was sitting there praying for just a warning. All that waiting made me late for going to see one of my parochial school students. Thankfully when I got there he was doing a special jump rope for heart activity that was much more important than learning how to speak correctly and I wouldn't have seen him anyway.

The reason I feel thankful for this law enforcement officer (that had a booger hanging from his nose by the way) is that the reason I'm having/getting to work extra days lately is because one of my coworkers was T boned in her car by someone who didn't stop at a stop sign. It's sidelined her for at least 2 1/2 months. So although I'm hopeful I'll never drive that recklessly, maybe this cop, who needed to wipe his nose, will stop someone who needs to think about driving more safely and in turn keep me and my family safe. I think that was his hope too as he told me to "have a safe day." He must know it's better to say that than "have a good day."

Sunday, February 7, 2010

1/2 Marathon

The UPS man came twice to our house last week. The first time I was home and didn't even get to see him, and if you live in the country you know disappointing that is. The second time he brought me my new tennis running shoes. Perfect timing since this week I start training for the Lincoln half marathon. I'm excited! (I'd be even more excited if I wasn't considering how many layers to wear for running outside in the cold!) 

I'm especially excited because of the people I know that are also going to be "lightening up" at the Lincoln 1/2 marathon. See the list over there on the side of they blog? Let me introduce you to them in alphabetical order.

Ashley - my cousin - It has nothing to do with running, but Elliana's going to be a flower girl in her wedding in September.
Brooke - my SLP friend - she's starting to think she might wimp out, but I'm keeping her on the list so she doesn't.
Dennis - my dad! - It's his first half. If he runs with my sister and I, I'm afraid I'll laugh because of his commentary the entire time! Unfortunately, I have a feeling he'll be faster.
Jill - my sister - She was my faithful coach and running partner in September. I can't wait to run again with her.
Katie - a friend from way back -  I bet she'll be faster than us too, but it'll be fun to see her and to watch for her family cheering her on.
Luke - my brother - I have yet to be convinced he's going to actually do it, but I sure hope he does because I know he can. Let me know when you start training Luke!
Rob - Ashley's fiance - He's actually training for the full. He's crazy.

Anyone else I know thinking about running? I really want to add you to my list too. The more people I know to watch for when I'm running, the faster and funner the race will be. I know a few of you who are considering. Let me know when you decide to run and I'll add you to my list. You should do it!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bright People

Remember my post a few back about smart people? Well, I realized I should call them 'bright people' in sticking with the theme of light. I just so happen to have another one to introduce.

This bright person is bright because she refers her customers to Robertson Electric. Ashley helps people to buy, sell and finance their homes with this company. She has already provided Robertson Electric with some business, and we are very thankful for that! The way I see it, the more homes she helps people buy and sell, the higher our chance is for getting business. We had already purchased our home before we met Ashley, so I can't give you first hand knowledge of her skills; but she loves her job and if she's smart enough to know that Robertson Electric is referral worthy, then she'd be smart enough to be someone you should want to do business. If you'd like to get in touch with her directly you can contact her at ahustad at cbbancwise dot com.

Thanks Ashley!