I have a fear of becoming fat that controls me. That's basically what it boils down to. God's made a lot of progress with me in that over the last 13 years, but it's still there. Exercising decreases my fear, but that means if I don't get to exercise what I've decided is the adequate amount for me in a week I start to feel fat, worry more about what I'm eating and get crabby.
It's actually something I have to trust God about. He actually pulls through even for a silly issue like this. Here are some examples.
- I was concerned how I was going to fit exercise in on these recent weeks where I've had to work four days a week. One of those weeks in January the weather was gorgeous, and I was actually able to go outside and walk after work.
- Another week in January I was too tired and was able to let it go that I didn't get my appropriate quota of workout.
- Now this week, the weather's been bad, I've had long days; but my stomach has been way out of whack and I didn't even feel the need to workout since I couldn't hardly eat anything. I don't think it should set me back in preparing for the big day.
- Where I would exercise in the winter was actually a big concern for me for moving out to the country away from my mall to walk in on cruddy days. Turns out God's helped me on that one too. We've had so much less snow here, and I've been able to go walk on these great snowless gravel roads a lot this winter.
So usually I'm feeling guilty for trying to figure out how I'm going to workout, which during the winter includes bothering Brad to help, especially when it's too cold to take the kids out and I can't bring myself to workout with a DVD. That all changes now that I'm training for a half marathon. I don't feel guilty about trying to fit a workout in because it actually has a purpose other than just me trying not to feel fat. Brad actually says things like, "Now how much do you need to run this week?" and "If I come home at 11 for lunch will it work for you to run then?" I love hearing things like that!
On top of not having to feel guilty about trying to get my exercising done, I also get the great feeling of getting a really good workout in and I have an exercise schedule all set up for me until May. It's why I'm very thankful to be training for this run. I may not be making progress with my control issue but I sure am worrying less!