Sunday, February 7, 2010

1/2 Marathon

The UPS man came twice to our house last week. The first time I was home and didn't even get to see him, and if you live in the country you know disappointing that is. The second time he brought me my new tennis running shoes. Perfect timing since this week I start training for the Lincoln half marathon. I'm excited! (I'd be even more excited if I wasn't considering how many layers to wear for running outside in the cold!) 

I'm especially excited because of the people I know that are also going to be "lightening up" at the Lincoln 1/2 marathon. See the list over there on the side of they blog? Let me introduce you to them in alphabetical order.

Ashley - my cousin - It has nothing to do with running, but Elliana's going to be a flower girl in her wedding in September.
Brooke - my SLP friend - she's starting to think she might wimp out, but I'm keeping her on the list so she doesn't.
Dennis - my dad! - It's his first half. If he runs with my sister and I, I'm afraid I'll laugh because of his commentary the entire time! Unfortunately, I have a feeling he'll be faster.
Jill - my sister - She was my faithful coach and running partner in September. I can't wait to run again with her.
Katie - a friend from way back -  I bet she'll be faster than us too, but it'll be fun to see her and to watch for her family cheering her on.
Luke - my brother - I have yet to be convinced he's going to actually do it, but I sure hope he does because I know he can. Let me know when you start training Luke!
Rob - Ashley's fiance - He's actually training for the full. He's crazy.

Anyone else I know thinking about running? I really want to add you to my list too. The more people I know to watch for when I'm running, the faster and funner the race will be. I know a few of you who are considering. Let me know when you decide to run and I'll add you to my list. You should do it!


Anonymous said...

I'm not in the running, but a friend of mine is training - and he is 82 years young! Donna