Sunday, June 6, 2010

Havelock Run

Who knew it would be hard to find five people to finish a 10k race? I guess I should have tried harder. I thought I would have over five people, but that was before injuries, sickness and special family events. I just hope the race organizers don't look at results and think, "That Robertson Electric Team was pathetic. Only four people finished. Who tried to put that team together?" I'm trying not to be insecure about it, because I'm reading all about security you know. (It's a good read too.)

I'm also trying to not be insecure after having my brother tell me I looked like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber when finishing the race. Does this look like Lloyd to you?

I think the wings were a factor. Check them out in this picture from before the race! I take that back. I looked at it again, and just can't embarrass myself by showing you.

Despite the lack of runners, we all really enjoyed running.  Anna sped ahead.  

Doesn't she look fast? She was. She finished an entire 30 minutes before Brooke, Shauna and I sprinted to finish in an hour and seven minutes. 

Maybe we talked too much instead of thinking about running fast. I don't think we cared because we just had fun. I can hardly wait until next year!


Anonymous said...

For the record, I LOVE Dumb & Dumber! Glad you had good fun with good friends this weekend...
