Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's Mr Robertson Electric Been Doing?

It's been a lot of first person writing at this here blog and that's got to change. I know you're all wondering what Brad's been doing. I would love to do an interview with him, but I'm pretty sure he would roll his eyes at the idea. He has yet to understand the joy I find in blogging. Someday I'll just get over my fear of the eye roll and see what I can get him to tell us. Until then you have to hear from me, with my limited knowledge of electrical terminology, what Brad's been up to.

Robertson Electric has had some business! It seems when we think there's no work in the future, something always pops up. I think God likes to keep testing to see how much I'll trust Him.

When Brad wasn't staying warm in the snow at the at the outdoor Vikings/Bears game, watching the kids one day a week, and traveling, he accomplished some of the following:

-Added whatever someone needed electricity wise for the sauna they put in their home (If you know anyone else putting a sauna in their home, Brad knows what to do!)
-Upgraded a couple of panels - one of them thanks to Ashley. (This is something I should interview him about.  I do know if you have above ground wires coming into your house, the city will bury them for free when you upgrade your panel. Why you'd upgrade and what exactly it means is what I need to learn more about.)
-Worked on a few basement finishes - thanks to my sister spreading the word about Robertson Electric and thanks to Lockridge Custom Homes using Robertson Electric.
-Bid several jobs - (This means there's hope for work this year!)
-Remodeled a kitchen - the electrical part that is - Thanks again to Lockridge Custom Homes
-Fixed some parking lot lights and a bath fan and did some other fixing and adding for a local company.
-Added lighting and fixed some odds and ends for Regier Equipment.
-Did some work for family - THANKS!

Of course he did it all in his effective and efficient way, and I'm not just making that up!  
I'm sure he did some other things, but I'm so far behind in updating I forget what they were. I'll try to keep you posted more often so there's less first person around here.