Tuesday, January 11, 2011


What a good week for me! Sorry to those of you having a cruddy week. Your week(s) will come soon hopefully.

Thanks to the snow, it looks like I get to only work 1 day this week instead of 3. Even though I like my job,  this is a great thing! What's even better about that is I had picked to not work today when the school year started, but last week I asked to switch this day with another day next month when our sitter is not available. That switch is working out splendidly!

Speaking of working out, I registered for the Lincoln half marathon this week. That makes for a great week, since I love a good reason to excercise. Anyone else out there going to go for the half this year?

Another reason why it's a good week - I'm getting such a kick out of making envelopes out of my old calendars. It doesn't take much around here. When I saw the link on moneysavingmom.com on how to make envelopes out of your old calendars, I set to work right away on my 2010 Mary Engelbreit calendar and squeeled outloud when I finished with each one. This is my type of craft.

I'm sure many of you more talented craft types could do much better, but I'm completely fine with my results. This one turned out perfectly.

So today I went in search of all the other old calendars that I didn't have the heart to throw away. I first started saving them because I dreamed of having a Mary Engelbreit room someday where I would frame my favorite calendar pictures and line the walls with them. Even after I figured that would never happen, I still couldn't throw them away and felt annoyed at my pack rat self. Until today! I found all my old calendars. Will you think I'm nuts if I tell you I have at least 8 of them?

See that calendar from 1996?! Ha! I can't wait to make it into envelopes!

If you decide to make envelopes using the directions of the link above, I found that it works best to fold the bottom corner up first a little past center then fold the sides in and have them meet at the center. That way you don't end up with a square envelope and needing to pay more for postage. You also need to know these required dimensions if you don't want to pay more for postage. May this lighten up your week, like it's lightened up mine!