Thursday, January 20, 2011

Show Up Big Time

This week I've been asking God to show up big time for us, for our friends, for Joanne. I want to see Him do something miraculous. I'm sort of tired of waiting for all of our dreams to come true. A summary of the conversation in my head has been something like this:

Me: God, would you please show up big for us? I feel like I need to see you do something miraculous.

God: Don't you think I show up big for you everyday? Remember what big things I've done for you in the past?

Me: True. This flower on my counter that's about ready to bloom is pretty amazing, You protect us and provide abundantly for us, and have given us two amazing children... I just want to see something really big. I want our problems solved!

God: Well, If I always did what you wanted right away, then that wouldn't strengthen your faith and you would be in charge instead of me.

Me: So true. Thanks for showing up in big and small ways everyday. I'm still going to keep asking you to do the miraculous! Then I'd have something exciting to blog about.

God: I will do the miraculous, you just keep your eyes open, keep asking and keep trusting.