Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday!

This fine man has a major birthday today. I feel like such a poor birthday planner for him, but it's not for lack of thinking and suggesting. I tried to think of something extra special to do for the big decade turn but failed. Instead we're just having a very nice day and reminding him frequently to have a happy birthday, and he was able to get his boots dirty, which will probably make his entire week.

I supposed it would've been nice for me to actually have a present for him to open today instead of going with him to the store to buy it tomorrow, but what is a busy mom of two little kids supposed to do when the present he wants is all the way across town and she doesn't really know what it is?  

I did make him this cheesecake and I think that will have to count for his present today. I may be better at cheesecakes than cookies.

We just have this issues with birthdays. I really like them, but he doesn't think they need to be that big of a deal. Can anyone see where I'm going with this? Anyone relate?... I could go on and on, but I suppose this birthday post should be about Brad.

We love you Brad and hope the next decade of your life is one of the best!

If you can, wish Brad a happy birthday as well, and if you need an electrician for anything give him a call. He'd consider that a nice birthday present - better than the one I didn't give him today.