Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I have been given much!

My kids drawers and closets are loaded full of winter clothing thanks to a friend who shared her little boy clothes, a sister who shared her little girl clothes, and people who've given great practical presents.

I have lots of tomato products frozen and a few canned (in jars my mom gave me) because of great people sharing their tomatoes.

I have apples I'm hoping to preserve some way and fresh apple cider made with this

thanks to Maggie letting us join her family at their annual apple picking day. What a wonderful time it was! It was a little taste of heaven in my mind.

I have two coupons for free milk thanks to Chicks Dig Deals! I actually won my first ever blog giveaway!

You'd never know by all the things I've been given that I have a hard time "letting good in." Looks like I'm doing pretty good at that and maybe need to get to work on my giving skills!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday!

This fine man has a major birthday today. I feel like such a poor birthday planner for him, but it's not for lack of thinking and suggesting. I tried to think of something extra special to do for the big decade turn but failed. Instead we're just having a very nice day and reminding him frequently to have a happy birthday, and he was able to get his boots dirty, which will probably make his entire week.

I supposed it would've been nice for me to actually have a present for him to open today instead of going with him to the store to buy it tomorrow, but what is a busy mom of two little kids supposed to do when the present he wants is all the way across town and she doesn't really know what it is?  

I did make him this cheesecake and I think that will have to count for his present today. I may be better at cheesecakes than cookies.

We just have this issues with birthdays. I really like them, but he doesn't think they need to be that big of a deal. Can anyone see where I'm going with this? Anyone relate?... I could go on and on, but I suppose this birthday post should be about Brad.

We love you Brad and hope the next decade of your life is one of the best!

If you can, wish Brad a happy birthday as well, and if you need an electrician for anything give him a call. He'd consider that a nice birthday present - better than the one I didn't give him today.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thankful doesn't come close to describing how my heart overflows when I look at the last two pictures on this post. I am so undeserving.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Canned

Three pints of salsa and three pints of diced tomatoes are all speaking to the fact that I must be getting old.                           
It has very little to do with lightening up, but it seems a very monumental point in my life. So monumental I felt it was blog worthy.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Juice Box Issue

I'm somewhat of a purest when it comes to beverages. I drink water. It's cheap, and it's good for me. I may drink a Sprite twice a year but that depends if I'm pregnant or sick within that year. I do not plan to be either for the rest of the year at least, (You all plan when you get sick, right?) so it's all water for me for a while. Since I figure water is good enough for me, I figure my kids should be purests too. I'm okay with them drinking water and milk. It's as if I fear they're going to join the statistics of obese children if they drink anything else. That's pathetic.

Obviosly my kids have found more exciting people to give them beverages other than milk and water. I've accepted it calmly and haven't lost it. I figured they're with me most of the time and I increased my determination to just give them milk and water.  Well, that has now all changed.

I caved to the pressure. After sitting through consecutive zoo trip picnics this summer with fun moms who bring drinks for their kids that are the complete envy of Elliana, then watching her drink their drink because she can't resist the thrill of drinking with a straw something other than milk or water from a cool container, I spent the money and bought "juice boxes." I could no longer handle feeling like I was the uncool mom with the sheltered daughter who could not keep her hands off a juice box that didn't belong to her.

Even if the juice boxes I bought were just flavored water, I now consider myself a Juice Box Mom. It feels very cool to be a Juice Box Mom, and Elliana is thrilled. She would've been through the box of drinks in two days if I wouldn't have still exercised some of my drink issue control over her. Control issues don't go away over night.

All thes makes me wonder how many other things am I going to cave into as a mom. Probably better to not think about it!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Listen Up to Lighten Up

I have been so encouraged by the last three messages at our church. We were out of town last Sunday, but to make sure I didn't miss out on something good, I listened to the sermon today during nap time. (The kids' nap time, not mine.) I'm ever so glad I did. I seriously love listening to a good sermon while accomplishing something in the kitchen when the kids are napping. Feel free to call me a nerd.

I couldn't resist sharing the link with you in case you wanted to be encouraged too. Follow this link. You can either listen or print the transcript. The sermons I'm referring to are Today Matters 9/5/10, Trust More...Worry Less 8/29/10 and Beware of Greed 8/22/10.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I often pray for my kids' safety. Several days ago I was thankful God listens and given a heavy reminder to keep at it. I was also reminded to keep watching my kids and to do my best to keep them safe. Sometimes when I should be watching them, I go into la la land. Probably an issue I should address.

Let's just say the VERY heavy solid oak dressers we have are now nailed to the ground. I can't stop thanking God for the ottoman and black stool Elliana had moved there a couple of days before. They stopped the dresser from landing right on top of Wyatt, who was sitting there happily playing, pulling out all the drawers at once. Didn't phase him one bit when everything started tilting.  I can't say the same for myself.

My stomach still churns when I think of what could've happened, but then I just thank God for keeping us safe and for very helpful reminders.