Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ten Miles in Numbers

1 yellow poncho I started wearing because of the threat of rain but ended up stuffing it in my pocket because at was completely obnoxious

2 cars passed me and I was even running a main road around here. No kidding.

3 miles with rain

4 toppings I added to my ice cream without any worry or guilt

6 blisters on my toes since I wore my waterproof hiking shoes instead of my running shoes

8 miles where the wind pushed me to help me run 10 minute miles

9 points Grammar Girl told me about how to leave blog comments

12 minutes miles when almost being blown over by the side wind

31 mile an hour wind

38 minutes I kept my brain distracted by listening to a thought provoking, well presented sermon. Very convicting. I would highly recommend listening to it. 

105 total minutes

Next Sunday here I come and let the wind be always at my back!