Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Robertson Electric Mobile

This is the new Robertson Electric Mobile.

Please try not to shed any tears about it not being in your family anymore Ar, Car, Dave and Meg. We'll do our best to take good care of it.

This fine Chevy replaces Little Red, which is no longer ours. No thanks to my blog. I can't say I didn't try.

I will now spend the majority of my driving time in the white Pilot with Robertson Electric signs on my doors, hoping I don't run any red lights, jump into ditches or make anyone mad. Nothing like bad driving to make someone never want to call Robertson Electric. We just didn't think black and white signs would go well with our new color of vehicle.  I have to take all that back because I just walked outside and saw the black and white signs on the pick up. I guess Brad thought it looked fine and/or he didn't trust my driving.

Someday I may show you a picture of the great things Brad made for the back. I'll have to find a day when I'm in a really good mood. Like a day when I'm not heading to clean the bathrooms even though I feel like I just cleaned them.