Saturday, February 12, 2011

Grandma Robertson

Please deal with me while I mourn a minute. This fine lady passed away yesterday. She hasn't been my grandma for long, but I still teared up when I heard that news. (Side note: Wyatt looked at me and said, "Uh oh!" I guess he's already afraid of crying women.) Seriously, if I have to live to be over 90 years old, I hope I can do it with as much grace and dignity as Grandma Robertson. She always looked beautiful, and I don't think I ever heard her complain. She was always giving and was always ready with a cup of coffee. In our house she will easily be remembered by all the blankets, quilts and plastic spoon roses she gave us.

Now that she's gone I wish I would've asked her more about her life on the farm, life before dishwashers and the term "fat free", life during all the eras I didn't live through, and more about what she remembers of Bradley as a little boy. I wish I would've written her more letters and sent her more pictures. Death is good for making a person remember what's important.

My dad always makes "grandma cookies" on his grandma's birthday. I've decided I should do the same for my grandparents, making something I remember them making. For Grandma Robertson we decided that means making peanut butter cookies with fork marks on the top.


Our family said...

So sorry Brad and Julie! Are you going out to Elsie this week for the funeral? Glad she made it to 90 though and was able to be fairly healthy to the end.

vwwannab said...

So sorry to hear this Julie. Sounds like she was an amazing woman. Hugs!!