Friday, April 8, 2011

On the Lighter Side of Goals

Just so you don't get worried that I'm becoming overly goal oriented, let me tell you the first thoughts that came to my mind when I considered what my current goals might be for my kids....

Wyatt:  Needs to talk more
Elliana: Needs to talk less [only at appropriate times]

I know that "all comparisons are odious;" but when I compared those thoughts to what I remember reading on Breezy Acre Farms about how she has 3-5 character goals for her kids, I realized I have a ways to go to get on the majorly-goal-oriented-person ship.

Still on the lighter side of goals would be our financial goal for the year: to not spend more than we make. That's a little tricky considering the income of my fabulous self-employed husband is always unknown. God has consistently shown up in the last two plus years of self-employment; because of that, I have a lot fewer worries about money than I did two years ago! I know He'll keep taking care of us even if we currently don't have a very ambitious financial goal.

I probably have a subliminal personal financial goal: to get as many things free as possible. It probably borders on the line of an unhealthy obsession, but it's also personal entertainment.

Then one more reason why I laughed at myself after I wrote my last goal post (get it? ha ha!) - it occurred to me I write goals for every single student I work with at school. I referred to goals at work in that post but was talking about the ones we deal with in long staff meetings. I didn't even think about individual student goals when I was writing that last novel. Perhaps that's just evidence that I have very little problem with leaving work at work.

This now concludes my thoughts on goals until January of 2012. You may have to read more about my mission before then but that's still getting tweeked.