Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Education

If you're still reading my blog after all it's dull content lately, you're going to have to put up with the dull content a little longer. I'm mulling some ideas that I'm excited about, but you don't get to know them yet; unless you want to ask me about them in person and give me meaningful feedback (none of this "that sounds good" unhelpful stuff). I've pondered telling you about my cleaning issues, but I don't want to scare you away from ever coming to my house.

All that to tell you that all I have to ramble about more books and something else I learned. I'm most excited about what I learned, so it goes first.

I learned that what I really wanted for my Mother's Day/Anniversary present was the GPS watch that the nice electrician in town gave me last week. Surprise! I had no idea how much more fabulous running could be with a device on my arm. You could get a fancier one than what I have, but mine works wonders for me! It's a blast knowing how fast I'm going and how far I've gone just by looking at my wrist instead of having to guess and calculate based on the time on my phone. I actually run faster because of it. If you're related to a runner, serious walker, or biker and they don't have one of these, today is your lucky day because you now know what to give them the next time they need a present. If you're one of those runners, serious walkers or bikers, you now know where to send your relative for an unsubtle gift idea.  (That rave review was all unsolicited. I blogged about it because I'm so excited about it, but did you know that if you actually click on any Amazon link and buy any new thing from them, they'll give me a small percentage of what you buy. It's not much, but I take whatever money I can make because God's still working on knocking out the root of all evil from me. I also figure if I make a little money from this blog Brad might decide to see blogging as the valuable hobby that I already feel like it is.)

As for the books, remember my rambling post about When the Heart Cries? Since then I've checked out and finished the next two books in the series. I feel very comfortable saying I think Cindy Woodsmall is an great author. I love the contrast she provides between book 1 and book 2 and how she brings it all together for fabulous book 3. Her sub plots were as interesting to me as the main plot, and I felt they all tie together extremely well. The first two books leave you dying to get your hands on the next book, but the final book has a happy ending. I always think I need an entire chapter or more about how happy life is for the characters after all the conflict is resolved but usually feel like I get two sentences. This gave me a couple of pages, so I was pretty happy with that. If you start book one make sure you're ready to read two more books. You've been warned!  Lincoln's library has all three if you're wondering.


Our family said...

Cool device! If I ever start running again I think that would be an enjoyable piece of equipment to have!

I like your disclosure. I have earned $1.30 from the ad I put on the blog. Definitely a worth hobby! Ha!